Intellectual Property Law for Blockchain Startups

By: Tori Lutz

Although the blockchain has been present in the tech consciousness for a few years now, It is incredibly young compared to many of the legal frameworks it operates under. As a blockchain startup, a fundamental knowledge of intellectual property law is a must. Of course, a legal team or consultant is an important part of any growing company, but companies can save a lot of money and grief by understanding the basics from the very start. This article will cover the essential things to know about intellectual property in general and more specifically about blockchain intellectual property.

What is IP Law and Why Does It Matter?

Intellectual property, or IP, refers to intangible things that can be owned or managed by individuals and businesses.

The blockchain is by its very nature intangible. Sure, you can break down its process to electrons moving within circuit boards, but software generally always falls within the intellectual property label.

In order to understand the way in which blockchain startups can be affected by (and benefit from) intellectual property law and specifically blockchain intellectual property law(s), it helps to understand the four primary categories of IP regulation: