Patent News | "TATA Steel receives patent for organo refining process to produce low ash"

By : Steelguru
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Category : Patent News

TATA Steel Limited received patent for organo refining process to produce low ash (<4%) clean coal with maximum possible yield on February 20th 2009. The patent number issued by the Indian Patent Office is 229474.

TATA Steel Limited had filed patent application number 1292/KOL/2006 on November 28th 2006. The inventors of the patent are Mitali China and DK Sharma. The International classification number is B01D.

According to the Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, "The present invention comprises a process of organo refining of coal to produce low ash (<4%) clean coal with higher yields of 65% to 70%. Dried coal sample was extracted under reflux conditions with a solvent containing N methyl 2 pyrrolidone and ethylenediamine in a ratio of coal NMP:EDA of 1:17:1. The process of organo refining of coal to obtain clean coal with low ash (<4%) within permissible limit for coke making in high enough yield for coke making has been described."

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