By : IPS Staff
Category : Trademark Application
According to the sources Trademark Application submitted by Deploy Technologies Inc. has been approved by the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.
Now the company has to submit the Statement of Use once the trademark is used in the United State. The mark will then be registered. Once the company gets its first customer in the U.S. then it can submit the Statement of Use. The Trademark Application for “DEPLOY” was filed on 3rd July, 2012. It received clearance on 28th August, 2012.
Now that the Trademark Application is approved and they have the legal right on the use of mark “DEPLOY.” It is important that large scale marketing and trade publication along with media is done to build “DEPLOY” brand. This branding process will require huge investments as said by the spokes person for Deploy. The spokes person also said that they are putting in their best effort to protect the investment and the brand.
Deploy Technologies has not just filed Trademark Application for one. Deploy has specialized in many technological products. They have developed some exclusive products for Fleet Data Management & Weigh System Solutions. The main focuses of Deploy Technologies are centered on monitoring, storage and processing of hydraulic pressures data streams. It utilizes these applications to further calculate the weight and load along with the warning systems for safety reassurance.